1st Blogiversary!

I can’t believe it has already been a year since I started The Fashion Hour. I feel like this year has flown by yet so much has happened along the way. I started this blog from a desire for a creative outlet for myself to do on nights and weekends outside of my day job. I work as a Sales Executive in Corporate America so talking about fashion and happy hours is far from what I do during my 8-5, weekday routine. As I have shared before, I have always felt a sense of accomplishment by not paying retail, finding looks for less, and enjoying food and drinks at a discounted price. I am realizing what feels like an inherited gene is really a passion that I want to share with others in the hopes to help and inspire them. I don’t pretend to be a fashion expert. I am not a food and wine connoisseur. I am simply sharing my own thoughts about what I like to wear, what I feel is a good deal, and what I believe others may enjoy as well.

I am so grateful to everyone that has been supportive and encouraging throughout this last year. When I started this journey I had no idea how many wonderful people I would meet along the way and definitely did not expect the number of opportunities that would come my way. From attending Simply Stylist and learning from people like Amber Venz, Lilliana Vazquez, Catt Sadler, Sazan Barzani, Courtney Kerr, etc. to actually collaborating with wonderful brands and stores like Aftershock London, Katydid USA, The Edge Apparel, Flirt Boutique and Spanx, I feel extremely blessed. If you would have told me I would have the opportunity to sit down and interview Sara Blakely nonetheless just be in the same room as her I would have laughed in your face. That interview is not only a highlight from this last year but of my life! Definitely blessed (no hashtag).

I am looking forward to another year full of new experiences, new adventures, and of course, good deals! I would love feedback on what you would like to see more of this next year. More happy hours, more fashion, celebrity looks for less, interviews, travel diaries/recommendations, local event info, etc. I want to hear what you think! Feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at nataliekeinan@thefashionhour.com. And if you haven’t already, SIGN UP to get my posts straight to your inbox by entering your email address in the box on the right!

Life Begins at the end of your comfort zone blogiversary

Thank you again for your support! I hope you’ll continue to follow along as I navigate through life one deal at a time! 🙂

Natalie Signature





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  1. 11.4.14
    FashionD said:

    congrats on the anniversary! you have a great blog! 🙂

  2. 11.4.14

    Congratulations !!!!